
The benefits of learning another language!

  • 04/03/2019
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  • Admin

What are the benefits of learning a new language?

1. You build multitasking skills: It enables you to complete various tasks at once, effectively and efficiently and it is a great skill to have as it saves time and increases productivity.

2. Your memory improves: You become more perceptive and remember more of what you have seen. You will also be able to retain more information at once. This helps all aspects of your personal and professional life.

3. Meeting new people: This will most likely be those from a language class who are in the same position as you, or even those you come across in day to day activities, such as in a coffee shop or supermarket. Every type of interaction will naturally help you become improved and become more confident at speaking your new chosen language.4 It builds your self-confidence: Leading on from point 3, being Able to speak in a second language means you are fulfilling a personal achievement, which should bring you greater happiness.

4. It’s great for travelling: We all know that daunting feeling when It comes to visiting or exploring a country where you can’t speak the language, however imagine being able to communicate with the natives breaking down the communication barrier; it will make your trip much easier, enjoyable and rewarding.

5. Foreign language expands career potentials: In today’s global economy, knowing another language really gives you a competitive edge when applying for a job. No matter what type of career you pursue, you will be more attractive to an employer if you have another language. Those who have the ability to speak and use more than one language are more likely to be able to find a job which opens up travel opportunities and chances to exchange with others.











Vandu Language Services is based in Lewes, Sussex and has been helping organisations overcome the language barrier since 1999. We provide interpreting, translation, bilingual advocacy and cross cultural training for when you need to communicate clearly across cultures.



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