
Bridging Language Barriers for Mental Health Access: Vandu's Impactful Translation Services and Bilingual Advocacy

  • 04/03/2019
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Bridging Language Barriers for Mental Health Access: Vandu's Impactful Translation Services and Bilingual Advocacy

At Vandu Languages, we are excited to share with you some recent developments that we believe truly highlight our commitment to making a positive impact on mental health accessibility. Let's dive into our journey over the past few months.


Translations - Supporting Accessibility for Non-English Speakers

Since June 2023, we have witnessed a remarkable increase in translation requests from mental health departments and organisations.

We have translated crucial elements of mental health services such as appointments, assessments, and final diagnosis. These translations have been offered in a range of languages, including Arabic, Bengali, Dari, Farsi, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, and Ukrainian.

This rise in translation services evidences a significant step towards ensuring that individuals with diverse linguistic backgrounds have equitable access to mental health support, which contributes to better health outcomes and an overall improvement in their quality of life. Additionally, it builds trust between professionals and their patients, an essential element of effective healthcare provision.

We are immensely proud of our contribution to this cause, as well as the consistent professionalism and high-quality standards exhibited by our linguists in translating such specialised work.


Health and Social Care Bilingual Advocacy – A Work of Empowerment and Reduction of Stigmas

Our commitment to improving access to mental health services goes beyond translation alone. Vandu has taken bold steps to improve access to mental health services through our team of dedicated Bilingual Advocates, some of whom are currently supporting clients as part of the "Informal Mental Health Support” preventive project, funded by the East Sussex County Council (ESCC).

Our Bilingual Advocates have been empowering their clients by making mental health services and support groups more accessible while helping to normalise discussions around mental health—especially in communities where such conversations are still considered taboo.

Fostering an environment of acceptance, understanding, and openness, their dedication goes beyond their professional duties; it extends to redefining cultural norms and promoting the well-being of all individuals, regardless of their ethnic background.


Join Us in Making a Difference

If you want to contribute to the well-being of our communities, we invite you to get involved.

Know someone from an ethnic minority background living in East Sussex who could benefit from our services? Please consider sending us a referral to Your support and referrals are invaluable to the welfare, success, and growth of our communities.

Together, we can make a difference, one translation and one advocate at a time, to create a brighter, more accessible future for all.

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