
6 Reasons why you shouldn't use friends or family as interpreters

  • 04/03/2019
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Oftentimes, individuals who need language assistance, such as medical consultation or financial advice appointment ask, ‘Can I use a friend or family member as my interpreter?’ This is understandable, as people generally trust their family members and perhaps they have used them in the past to interpret information. However, the risks of using non-professional interpreters outweigh the benefits, especially in a professional capacity. Professionally trained interpreters require standards of accuracy, share specialist knowledge and maintain impartiality that is sacrificed with non-professionals.

Some people may be hesitant to work with professional interpreting and translation services because they have concerns around costs, convenience, or confidentiality—but actually, working with a professional interpreting and translation agency ensures that things are kept confidential, professional and easy for everyone involved.


What are the disadvantages of using a friend or family member as an interpreter?

1. Lack of impartiality / emotional investment

Family and friends often lack the professional training needed to handle sensitive situations or information, such as health or financial matters, in an impartial manner. They may feel embarrassed or emotionally invested in the situation. For example, discussing illness symptoms during a medical appointment or addressing family financial investments can be uncomfortable. Additionally, they might hesitate to ask for clarification if they do not fully understand what is being communicated, further complicating the situation.

2. Insufficient professional knowledge

Family and friends who aren't professionals are not bound by any codes of practice. This means they could intentionally or unintentionally share sensitive information with others. Unlike professional interpreters, they are not subject to the same legal and ethical obligations, which include maintaining confidentiality and facing consequences for breaches of privacy.

3. No guarantee of client confidentiality 

Confidentiality is a key concern for many people and it’s often a reason why friends or family are requested instead of professionals. However, because family and friends aren’t professionals, they’re not bound by any codes of practice and could intentionally or unintentionally share sensitive information with others. They are therefore not bound by the professional laws and consequences for lack of confidentiality.

4. Inadequate understanding or communication of target language

A friend or family member may have a good conversational level of English or a foreign tongue, but this may not be enough when discussing specific details with service providers. Information needs to be carefully understood by someone who is completely fluent in the target language to ensure any details aren’t missed. This not only requires listening skills but speaking, reading, and professional writing skills. Complex information such as medical or financial details should be dealt with by a professional who’s qualified to a high standard with subject matter expertise, or it may result in costly mistakes.

5. Risk of omitting vital information due to personal or cultural reasons

Another concern related to impartiality is that well-meaning friends or family members may be influenced by their cultural or personal beliefs when relaying information. For instance, religious beliefs or pressure from other family members may affect what information is shared or omitted, potentially impacting the decision-making process for the people relying on the interpreter. Professional interpreters and translators are trained to empower individuals through understanding without undermining them, ensuring that all relevant information is conveyed accurately and impartially.

6. Exposure to personal/potentially traumatising issues

Hiring a professional interpreter not only helps protect the individual needing language assistance but also their friends and family members. It can be distressing for friends and family to hear about a loved one's physical or mental health issues or past experiences, and then continue with the communication or translation. Professional interpreters and translators are trained in handling safeguarding and sensitive situations, ensuring that information is shared appropriately and accurately with the individual who needs assistance.

In conclusion, while it’s often helpful to get support from bilingual friends or family for booking appointments or even to request support from a professional interpreter—we hope that these reasons highlight some of the issues that you may face using a family member or friend as an interpreter.  

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Vandu Languages is a leading Sussex interpreting service provider. Our dedicated team of linguists deal with a range of personal and business situations professionally and sensitively. From popular languages like Spanish and French to rare languages like Amharic and Tigrinya, our team speak 135+ different languages along with specific dialects. Feel free to contact us to learn about our translationinterpreting, and bilingual advocacy services.

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